Frequently Asked Questions
Assignment Priority
Tournaments will be assigned based on when officials sign up, their availability frequency working with us, and sometimes their experience. Based on the number of games we may not be able to use all of the officials that sign up. Priority will also be given to those who are available for the entire weekend or day depending on the situation. There may be an occasion when only upper-level age groups are playing and we will use more experienced officials.
Officials will be paid $1.25 per minute (As of January 2025) worked on the field. We have moved away from paper checks and mailing payment. All payments will be made via Everee and be direct deposited into your back account. This process is secure and will speed up payments. All payments will be made within one week of the event and typically within 3-5 days.
Officials will need to provide their bank account and tax information to be paid. You will be able to access your year-end 1099 from the site or app as well at year end.
There is no travel reimbursement. If the tournament provides hotel rooms there will be two officials per room - no family.
Tournament Rules
Before the start of the tournament, officials will receive a copy of the rules, these rules must be followed. If you have a question, please ask the site contact to confirm.
Tournament Details
There will be a site coordinator at each tournament site and they will be your primary contact on-site. You will be given their contact information before each tournament.
Snacks and water will be provided. Sometime the tournament will provide food, but be prepared in case they do not. Bring your own water bottle.
If you have further questions, please contact us at tlblacrosse@gmail.com.